The electricity prices in Poland this evening are as high as we haven't seen since the peak of the energy crisis in 2022. The surge…
The electricity prices in Poland this evening are as high as we haven't seen since the peak of the energy crisis in 2022. The surge…
In 2023, Poland once again set a record for the production of electricity from renewable sources. According to preliminary estimates from WysokieNapiecie.pl, they generated well…
On election Sunday, a record-breaking 16 hours of the day were valued below zero on the Warsaw energy exchange. The market reacted to a miscalculated…
For another month, Poland closed with the highest electricity prices in the spot market on the European exchange. The disparities are deepening, and imports from…
Today, Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne announced a "threat to the security of electricity supplies" in order to be able to issue an order to disconnect part…
There will be no ban on registering new combustion cars in the European Union in 2035. The finally adopted regulations will enable the purchase and…
Produkcja energii elektrycznej w Polsce w 2022 roku osiągnęła najwyższy poziom w historii, przekraczając 175 TWh. Spadek generacji w elektrowniach gazowych i węglowych z nawiązką…
EU sanctions on energy imports were supposed to bring Russia to its knees. Meanwhile, never before has Moscow earned such amounts of money on sales…
The European Commission presented the possibilities of interfering with electricity trading at the wholesale and retail level. This is the result of pressure from some…
Central Statistical Office has changed the manner for renewable energy sources share calculation.After calculation of significantly greater use of timber in household boilers, fireplaces ad…