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  5. o ładowaniu „elektryka” podczas eRajdu po Europie o ładowaniu „elektryka” podczas eRajdu po Europie

Serwis przywołuje dane na temat zużycia energii, mocy i czasu ładowania oraz sposobów ładowania elektrycznego porsche taycana, którym załoga dotarła na najbardziej na zachód wysunięty przylądek Europy.
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Jak czytamy w amerykańskim serwisie:

All in all, the charging network in Portugal can basically be used by the Portuguese. The only exception being Tesla Superchargers, which charge Tesla cars everywhere in the world. All other EV drivers will face some serious challenges there, as even the largest roaming operators, which cover thousands of charging stations, fail to include Mobil.e (that applies to New Motion/Shell Recharge, JuicePass, Avia/Nexity, Plugsurfing, Fastned, and Iberdrola, to name a few). A similar problem was experienced with one major operator in Spain.


The best we can think of is simply charging and paying with your bank/credit card, nothing more, nothing less. No applications, no RFID cards, no registrations. That is what Wysokie Napięcie has been campaigning for and writing about for years. That solution has been launched at the Ekoenergetyka station — still the best charging station we have seen in Europe. When our Taycan was charged at the very start of this #eRally at the Ekoen station, the team simply connected the car to one of the superfast chargers, charging began without any additional authorization, and at the end they went to the pay terminal, picked their charger, and settled the bill. You can even request an invoice be sent to you via email! We hope to see more of this solution across Europe in the future.

Cały artykuł: In The European Charging Jungle With A Porsche Taycan

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