Jak możemy przeczytać na Electrive: „As Bartłomiej Derski from the Polish publication WysokieNapiecie reports, the vehicle developers will purchase an existing electric car platform on which the electric car is to be based. According to EMP representatives, this is the only way to meet the tight schedule. EMP President Piotr Zaremba said that the company is in negotiations with two potential partners, and although he does not name names, it seems clear that it will not be a Polish company. According to journalist Derski, the likely partners for this are Volkswagen with the MEB platform, Toyota with the e-TNGA or Hyundai with the new E-GMP. This being said, the latter two companies are not even clear whether and when they will offer their platforms to third parties. It is therefore quite possible that platforms from suppliers are also meant. Project partner EDAG is developing a scalable electrical architecture itself.”
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