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  5. The 10th World Battery & Energy Storage Industry Expo (WBE 2025)

The 10th World Battery & Energy Storage Industry Expo (WBE 2025)

Held from August 8th to 10th in Guangzhou, WBE 2024 spanned 100,000 sq.m, and featured 1,205 exhibiting companies from 14 countries (Including 476 cells, packs & energy storage exhibitors), hosting notable names like BYD, EVE, Great Power, GOTION HIGH-TECH, Tianneng, Pisen, EAST Group, Ganfeng Lithium, HiNa Battery, Transimage Sodium-lon Battery, Roofer Group, Super Flower, Dejin New Energy, Joysun Energy, Haidi Energy, Horizontal Na Energy, LongTTech, Highstar, Horizon New Energy, Huamingsheng Tech, Han's SLE, HONBRO, AirTAC, etc.

Date: August 8th-10th, 2025

Venue: Area of China Import and Export Fair Complex, Guangzhou

Address: No.380, Yuejiang Zhong Road, Guangzhou, China


Review of WBE 2024

The event drew in 175,492 professional visits, representing a 27.63% growth compared to last year, including 10,586 overseas visits from over 150 countries and regions.

Preview of WBE 2025

WBE 2025 is set to take place from August 8th to 10th at the China Import and Export Fair Complex to showcase the rapid growth of the battery and energy storage industry. With a larger scale than ever, the event will cover 165,000 sq.m and host over 2,000 exhibitors in 6,000 booths with an expected turnout of 200,000 visits. In addition, WBE 2025 will again be held alongside the Solar & PV expo and the World Hydrogen Energy Industry Expo (WHE), highlighting the synergy between different renewable energy sectors.

Live Events & Activities of WBE 2025

The 3rd China Battery and Energy Storage Industry International Trade Forum 2025

2025 China Energy Storage Industry Ecosystem Conference

2025 China Battery Industry (Guangzhou) Summit

2025 World Hydrogen Energy Industry Conference

2025 Energy Storage Industry International Exchange Dinner

2025 International Buyers Matchmaking Meeting

The 3rd WBE Factory Tour 2025

Exhibitor Profile

  • Battery Technology

Lithium Batteries/ Lead-acid Batteries/ Solid-state Batteries/ Fuel Cells/ Flow Batterie

  • Energy Storage Systems and Solutions

Residential Energy Storage Systems/ Commercial Energy Storage Systems/ Industrial Energy Storage Systems/ Grid-scale Energy Storage Systems

  • Battery Management Systems (BMS)

Battery Monitoring Systems/ Battery Protection Systems/ Thermal Management Systems

  • Energy Storage Inverters

DC/AC Inverters/ Bidirectional Inverters

  • Energy Storage Materials

Cathode Materials/ Anode Materials/ Electrolytes/ Separators

  • Supercapacitors

High Energy Density Capacitors/ High Power Density Capacitors

  • Hydrogen Energy and Storage Technology

Hydrogen Storage Tanks/ Hydrogen Fuel Cells/ Hydrogen Production Equipment

  • Renewable Energy Integration and Smart Grid Technology

PV Energy Storage Systems/ Wind Energy Storage Systems/ Microgrids

  • Power Batteries and Applications

EV Batteries/ Energy Storage Battery Packs/ Power Tool Batteries

  • Production Equipment, Testing Device and Solutions

Battery & Energy Storage Production Equipment/ Battery & Energy Storage Testing Equipment/ Reliability and Safety Testing/ Life Cycle Testing Equipment

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Podczas Kongresu Trendy 2024 organizowanego przez Globenergię, odbyło się wydarzenie zapowiadające znaczący krok w rozwoju europejskiego rynku fotowoltaicznego. KENO, lider w dystrybucji innowacyjnych rozwiązań fotowoltaicznych, oraz LONGi, światowy lider w produkcji modułów fotowoltaicznych, podpisały list intencyjny, formalizując dotychczasową współpracę i wyznaczając nowe kierunki na przyszłość.
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