Patronat honorowy Patronage

Reader profile of

Who are the readers of the website? What is their stature and in what companies do they work? What do they do professionally? How old are they?We publish the readers profile of

The reader of is a man, aged 20-40 with a university degree, and often also an academic title. Working as a specialist or a board member / owner in an enterprise employing up to 50 or over 250 people.

At workplace, he is responsible for management, consulting or legal services in company producing or selling energy or consulting.


Education level

PhD / higher academic title: 6%

Master’s degree: 64%

Engineer: 9%

Bachelor’s degree: 3%

Highschool diploma: 16%

Elementary: 1%


Work position

Owner / management: 20%

Director: 8%

Manager: 8%

Expert: 40%

Employee: 8%

Student: 13%

Does not work: 4%


How many people are employed by the company you work for?

Up to 10: 32%

Up to 50: 23%

Up to 250: 13%

More than 250: 19%


What is your companies area on the market

Production: 19%

Consulting: 17%

Energy / gas trading: 17%

Transmission: 12%

Law: 12%

Does not work: 11%

Finances: 10%

Science: 10%

Extraction: 6%

Building: 3%

Machine production: 2%

Different: 21%


What market area you professionally deal with? (at your workplace)

Consulting: 23%

Management: 22%

Law: 19%

Science / research: 16%

Finances: 12%

Does not work: 10%

Logistics: 7%

Production: 6%

Different: 27%


What age range are you in?

Up to 19: 1%

20-29: 28%

30-39: 34%

40-49: 14%

50-59: 15%



Male: 80%

Female: 20%


The questionnaire was conducted on a representative sample of people (N = 107) who visited from March 16 – April 5, 2015.